Show/Edit Polyline

Use the following procedure to view or edit the data attached to a polyline (bridge cross-section polyline or road surface polyline).

Note: The polyline (bridge cross-section or road surface polyline), which is to be edited should be available on AutoCAD drawing to select while operating this tool. If the polyline, which is to be edited, is not available on AutoCAD drawing, draw it using the tool 'Draw Cross Section'.

Note: Activate the side screen menu of AutoCAD if it is turned off. Run the function Options (of AutoCAD) and click the tab Display, activate Display screen menu.

Find the function here:

Ribbon: Bridge > Inspect Polyline > Show/Edit Polyline

Command prompts for:

In the screen menu on the right-hand side of the drawing area, a list of data concerning the entity and the points of the selected polyline will appear. The information about the station number for the cross-section, the polyline number (entity number defined while register), point number and point type is the same for all points. The information regarding reference points will vary. For point types 1, 2, and 3, these points will be surface numbers of the road. For point types 4 and 5 these points will be structure points. For detailed information on point type and respective connection mechanism see the topic 'Point Type and Connection Mechanism'

If you select a road line to edit, you will get information about station numbers and road surface numbers.