Draw Centerline

Use this function to change the appearance of selected AutoCAD lines or Novapoint objects to a desired drawing setup for the centerline (pre-defined or user-defined).

MOUS_ICO Menu: Landscape > Lines Draw Centerline

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Lines> Draw Centerline

When the command is started the dialog box 'Draw Horizontal Alignments' will pop up. You have three options to select input to make the centerline:


Use this option to select alignment(s) from the active digital terrain model (database).

Select desired objects to be drawn from the dialog 'Quadri Line Identities' and click 'OK'.

Multiple alignments can be selected by holding the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' keys.

Pick from Current Drawing

Use this option to select the alignment(s) from the current drawing.

Click the option and follow the command prompt. Confirm the selection using the 'Return' key.

Use the standard AutoCAD selection procedures for selecting multiple alignments.


Use this option to select alignment(s) available in ASCII file formats (*.TIT, *.LIN, *.LI, *.INH, and *.DAT).

The dialog box 'Select TenTable' will pop up. Select the file format at the field 'File of Type', browse to the desired file, and click 'Open'.

Multiple alignments can be selected by holding the 'Shift' or 'Ctrl' keys.


After you have made the line with one of the options above, the line is drawn.

Select the configuration from the pull-down menu to change the appearance of the line and click 'OK'.

Use the button to see more alignment definitions and to customize the pull-down menu.

To edit and create user-defined alignment styles use the shortcut to activate the Drawing Style Editor tool.

Tips & notes:

Read more about alignment design in the Road module's alignment topics.

Next topic: Draw/Change