
The pull-down menu looks like this:


Use this function to trim the horizontal alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Trim

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Trim

The dialog box Trim Horizontal Alignment will pop up.

The section of the alignment between the chainages defined will be retained.

Note: Trimmed alignments might not give a successful calculation, depending on the specified new end points, e.g. trimming a transition curve.


Trim Start and End

Use this function to trim the start and end of the vertical alignment so it is not longer than the horizontal alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Trim Start and End

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Trim Start and End

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (vertical alignment). To activate the function from the design line (Vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Trim Start and End from the sub menu Modify.



Use this function to turn the chainage direction of alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Turn Alignment

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Turn

Note: Irrespective of chainage direction, longitudinal profile will be represented on positive chainage axis (X - axis) in Vertical Drawing.



Use this function to move the horizontal or the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Move

User has to pick a start point (base point for moving the alignment) and an end point (destination point) for displacement. The alignment will be moved to the specified displacement.

Moving Horizontal Alignment

The horizontal geometry table (tab Input H or the Horizontal Design Line) must be active to move the horizontal alignment.

Moving the horizontal alignment will affect the longitudinal terrain profile the vertical alignment was designed against.

When moving the horizontal alignment the vertical alignment will stay unchanged as much as possible. That means the North and East position of the vertical intersection points will be displaced parallel to the original position. Small moves of the horizontal will then not make any big influence of the vertical alignment.

Moving Vertical Alignment

The vertical geometry table (tab Input V or the Vertical Drawing) must be active to move the vertical alignment.

Moving the vertical alignment will not affect the horizontal alignment.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal or vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Move from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to make a mirrored copy of the horizontal and vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Mirror

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Mirror

User has to specify the first point of mirror line and the second point of mirror line. The original alignment will be mirrored about the specified line.


If the original alignment was defined with a vertical geometry, the vertical geometry will also be copied. Before continuing the work with the vertical alignment, the mirrored alignment must be saved to the terrain model with the function Object Name.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal or vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Mirror from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to lift the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Lift

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Lift from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to sink the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Sink

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (vertical geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Sink from the sub menu Modify.


Use this function to offset the horizontal alignment to a specified distance to the left or right side.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Offset

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Offset

The dialog box Offset will pop up. Define the offset value (meter) and click the respective buttons to offset the alignment to left or right side.

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment). To activate the function from the design line (horizontal geometry), pick the design line with left button of the mouse, place the cursor (any where) on the selected alignment, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Offset from the sub menu Modify.

Stretch Element

Use this function to lengthen or shorten an alignment element (line or arc).

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Stretch Element

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):

Command prompts for:

Left click to end, right click to get menu, or press Esc to cancel.

[Length/End chainage/Turn drag]

Select the desired option or pick an exiting 2D point to stretch the element to that point.

Tip: Use the Snap Modes for precise selection of 2D point.

Note: Unless the drag direction is changed the alignment shall be dragged/stretched/lengthened in the direction of chainage. The end chainage will be the end point of the element in the direction of chainage.

Tip: If the start chainage is to be fixed or the element is to be stretched/lengthened/dragged in reverse direction to chainage, change the drag direction and edit the chainage with the option East chainage or lengthen with the option Length.

Once the function is activated the alignment gets dragged with respective to the selected element in the direction of chainage unless the drag direction is changed temporarily with the option Turn drag of this function.

L for changing the length of selected element

E for fixing the end chainage of the element

T for changing the direction of drag (temporarily within this function)

Length <current value>:

Enter the new value for length of the element.

East chainage <current value>:

Enter the new value for last chainage of the element.

Turn drag:

Changes the drag/stretch direction temporarily.

Drag along Polyline

Use this function to drag the horizontal or the vertical alignment along selected elements in the drawing.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Not available from the Toolbar

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Drag along Polyline

Select the element in CAD along which alignment is to be dragged.


Get Fixed Points from Result

Use this function to move the fixed points to the end of the elements, both for horizontal and the vertical alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Get Fixed Points from Result

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Get Fixed Points from Result

Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design. To activate the function from the main dialog, activate the alignment geometry table (Input H or Input V), select multiple element rows or at least two element rows, place the cursor on the selected rows, activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Get Fixed Points from Results.

Calculate Angular Points

Methods to relocate/edit the coordinates of/move the angular point(s) to modify the alignment are:

One of the methods to modify the alignment is relocating (editing the coordinates of) the angular point(s) in the user-interface. Relocating the angular point(s) changes the length of the alignment elements (line and arc) but not the radius of the arc element.

Do the following to change the angular point(s) of the horizontal alignment from the user-interface:

Do the following to change the angular point(s) of the vertical alignment from the user-interface:

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Calculate Angular Points

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Calculate Angular Points

Tips: This function can also be activated from:

This function calculates the angular points of the active alignment.


Situation before calculating angular points:

Figure 1: Situation before calculating angular points

Figure 2: Situation before calculating angular points

Situation after calculating angular points:

Figure 3: Situation after calculating angular points

Figure 4: Situation after calculating angular points

To switch back to the previous type of representation, run the function Split Angular Points (see below).

Split Angular Points

Methods to relocate/edit the coordinates of/move the fixed point(s) to modify the alignment are:

One of the methods to modify the alignment is relocating (editing the coordinates of) the fixed point(s) in the user-interface. Relocating the fixed point(s) changes the length of the alignment elements (line and arc) but not the radius of the arc element.

Do the following to change the fixed point(s) of the horizontal alignment from the user-interface:

Do the following to change the fixed point(s) of the vertical alignment from the user-interface:

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Split Angular Points

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Split Angular Points

Tip: This function can also be activated from:

This function split the angular points of the active alignment, which were calculated with the function Calculate Angular Points (see above) and the fixed points are moved to the ends of the line elements.


Situation before splitting the angular points:

Figure 5: Situation before splitting the angular points

Figure 6: Situation before splitting the angular points

Situation after splitting the angular points:

Figure 7: Situation after splitting the angular points

Figure 8: Situation after splitting the angular points

To switch back to the previous type of representation, run the function Calculate Angular Points.


Use this function to connect the following elements that are already drawn on the current drawing.

The following types of connection can be done with this function:

As there are no transition curves for vertical alignment, the connections with transition elements of the above are not available when the function Connect is activated on vertical geometry.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Connect

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Connect

Command prompts for:

Pick a line, arc, polyline:

Select the elements which are to be connected to the active alignment.

The selected elements are connected next to the last element of the active alignment. If the selected elements are to be connected at the start of the alignment, the alignment's direction is to be turned before activating the function Connect. The direction of the element can also be reversed with the function Turn.

Tip: It is recommended that the end of the first alignment and the start of the second alignment is in the same horizontal point, and that the vertical design goes all the way to this chainage. For best results the alignment should have a straight line in the connection point in both horizontal and vertical to handle any deflections in the design between the two lines. If straight lines are not made in the connection points the connections might fail to connect properly without user interaction with regards to for example fixation logics or two consecutive curves with same radius and direction.

Append Combination

Use these functions to add multiple elements with specified combination.

Table 1: Combinations of elements that can be added to the alignment

As there are no transition curves for vertical alignment, the combinations with transition elements of the above are not available when this function is activated on vertical geometry.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Append Combination

Tips: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):

Append Angular Points

Use this function to continue adding new angular points (by picking from the current drawing) from the latest end point of the alignment.

Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:

MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Append Angular Point

MOUS_ICO Menu: Modify > Append Angular Point

Tips: This function can also be activated from:

Follow the command prompt.

Tip: Use object snap modes for precise selection of points.

Note: The icon Append Angular Points acts for Pick Angular Point when the alignment is not yet started (no alignment in the current drawing). If the alignment is already started, it will continue the alignment by adding angular points from the latest end point of the alignment.

Alignment save options and retrieving it back to continue the alignment design or to modify the alignment are as follows:

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