The pull-down menu looks like this:
Transition Curve(s)
Arc in Line
Line in Arc
Minimum Arc where Line-Line
Missing Transition Curves
Ref. Point(s)
Use this function for the following:
To start a new alignment with an arc element by picking three points from the current drawing.
The radius of the arc will depend on these three points.
To insert an arc element at desired location in the alignment (horizontal or vertical geometry).
This function operates in two different ways:
When the alignment is not yet started (no elements in the user-interface Alignment Design) - Inserts a new arc element.
Follow the command prompt for procedure.
When the alignment is already started - Inserts an arc element at desired location in the alignment. In this case, an element is to be selected to run this function.
Unless an element is selected, the function cannot be accessed. Element can be selected for the table Input H or Input V of the user-interface.
The new arc element will be inserted next the element selected.
The radius/length of the arc will be according to Design Standard.
By default the new arc will be inserted in reverse direction to the previous arc of the alignment.
The function operates the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawing.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Arc
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Arc
Use object snap modes for precise selection of points.
Use the function Pick Angular Points to start new alignments.
Use the function Append Angular Point to continue the alignment by adding angular points from the latest end point of the alignment.
Shortcut Menu Options
This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment).
To active the function from the shortcut menu of the main dialog box, activate the alignment geometry (Input H or Input V).
Place the cursor on the element, after which the arc element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Arc.
To activate the function from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment), pick the alignment with the left button of the mouse.
Place the cursor on the element, after which the arc element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Arc.
Note: Vertical curves (sag or summit) can also be designed using K - Value as input.
Use this function for the following:
To start a new alignment with a line element by picking two points from the current drawing.
To insert a line element at desired location in the alignment (horizontal or vertical geometry).
This function operates in two different ways:
When the alignment is not yet started (no elements in the user-interface Alignment Design) - Inserts a new line element.
Follow the command prompt for procedure.
When the alignment is already started - Inserts a line element at desired location in the alignment. In this case, an element is to be selected to run this function.
Unless an element is selected, the function cannot be accessed. Element can be selected for the table Input H or Input V of the user-interface.
The new line element will be inserted next the element selected.
Alignment cannot have two line elements successively and hence this function doesn't work when a line element is marked (selected).
If for some reason, two successive line elements are required in the alignment, mark the option Accept Line-Line Calculation in the dialog box Options and then user will be able to activate this function by marking (selecting) a line element and insert line element.
The function operates the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawing.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Line
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Line
Use object snap modes for precise selection of points.
Use the function Pick Angular Points to start new alignments.
Use the function Append Angular Point to continue the alignment by adding angular points from the latest end point of the alignment.
Shortcut Menu Options
This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (alignment).
To active the function from the shortcut menu of the main dialog box, activate the alignment geometry (Input H or Input V).
Place the cursor on the element, after which the line element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Line.
To activate the function from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment), pick the alignment with the left button of the mouse.
Place the cursor on the element, after which the line element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Line.
Transition Curves
Use this function to insert a transition curve in the horizontal alignment.
The length of the transition curve can be rounded to desired value.
Select an element from the table Input H, after which transition curve is to be inserted and run the function Insert Transition Curve(s).
Unless an element is marked, the function cannot be accessed.
Transition Curve will be inserted next to the element marked.
In case of having two arc elements, which form a reverse curve, select the upper arc element to insert transition curve between the reverse curves, a reverse transition curve (two transition elements) will be inserted.
Run the function from the following locations in the user-interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Transition Curve(s)
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Transition Curve(s)
This function will be disabled when vertical geometry is active, as there will be no transition curves in vertical geometry of the alignment.
Shortcut Menu Options
This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design or from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal alignment).
To active the function from the shortcut menu of the main dialog box, activate the alignment geometry (Input H).
Place the cursor on the element, after which the transition curve element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Transition Curve(s).
To activate the function from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal alignment), pick the alignment with the left button of the mouse.
Place the cursor on the element, after which the transition curve element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Transition Curve(s).
Arc in Line
Use this function to insert arc element in a line element.
By default, the standard of the arc (radius/length) will be based on the settings defined at Design Standard.
Pick a point near the line element, in which arc is to be inserted.
The direction of the arc is based on this point (left side of the line element inserts a right turn arc).
Command prompts for radius of the arc.
Key-in the desired value for radius of the arc.
Cancel the previous action using the Undo option of the user-interface.
The function works the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawings.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Arc in Line
Follow the command prompt.
Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment):
To activate the function from the shortcut menu of the design line (horizontal or vertical alignment), pick the alignment with the left button of the mouse.
Place the cursor on the line element, in which arc element is to be inserted.
Activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Arc in Line.
Key-in the desired value for radius of the arc.
Line in Arc
Use this function to insert line element in an arc element.
Command prompts for start point and end point of the line element being inserted.
Pick the start point and the end point near the arc element, in which line element is to be inserted.
Both these points defines the direction of the line element.
Line element will be inserted so that the alignment is mathematically correct.
Cancel the previous action using the Undo option of the user-interface.
The function works the same way in both horizontal and vertical drawings.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Line in Arc
Follow the command prompt.
Minimum Arc where Line-Line
Use this function to insert arcs with minimum radius/length (define with the function Minimum Arc) between straight lines in the horizontal and the vertical alignments.
This function can be used for rapidly creating both horizontal and vertical alignments.
The initial geometry can be sketched using lines or polylines and arcs with minimum radius or length will be inserted automatically between the straights.
The minimum radius/length of arcs should be defined before using this function.
Set the arc parameters using the function Design Standard.
Vertical Alignment: Vertical curves (sag or summit) can also be designed using K - Value as input.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line
Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog Alignment Design Professional. To activate this function from the shortcut menu, select all the elements or at least two elements on main dialog box (either from the tab Input H or Input V), activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Insert Minimum Arc where Line-Line.
Missing Transition Curves
Use this function to automatically insert transition curves between all elements in the horizontal alignments.
This function can be used for rapidly inserting transitions between lines and arc, or between arcs.
The alignment might need some adjustment before it can be calculated successfully.
Make sure the arcs are long enough before inserting the transitions.
If the arcs are too short, alignment elements may overlap with adjacent elements.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Toolbar: Missing Transition Curves
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Missing Transition Curves
Note: This function will be disabled when vertical geometry is active, as there will be no transition curves in vertical geometry of the alignment.
Tip: This function can also be activated from the shortcut menu of the main dialog (only from the tab Input H) in Alignment Design Professional. To activate this function from the shortcut menu, select all the elements or at least two elements on main dialog box (only from the tab Input H), activate the shortcut menu, and select the menu option Missing Transition Curves.
Ref. Points
Use these options to add reference points.
Run the function from the following locations in the user interface Alignment Design:
MOUS_ICO Menu: Insert > Ref. Point(s) > Add, Add and Pick, Add from Ref. Line
The options are explained in the topic Reference Points.
Next topic: ModifyÂ